2021 Director Candidate Statements
Candidate Statements are provided as submitted by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy.
Timothy Perkins
Thank you for reading this voter guide and for participating in selecting leadership for the Libertarian Party of Oregon. Your participation is key for the success of the party moving forward, and on that note I want to personally invite you to the 2021 Libertarian Party of Oregon State Convention on May 15th (more details at http://lporegon.org/2021-convention). Help us realize a brighter future for the party and influence Oregon in the direction of liberty.The last couple of years have been an interesting time to be on the board. Our monthly meetings moved from in-person to Zoom, we had a fantastic turnout in our primary election with more write-in candidates than ever before, and we defended those candidates in court when a GOP senatorial candidate attempted to have them struck from the November 2020 general election ballotSince joining the party in 2016 it’s been my pleasure to be a delegate to three National Libertarian Party conventions, volunteer on many of our committees, and serve two terms first as vice-chair and then as chair on the board of directors. I’ve truly enjoyed putting time into this party in spite of the challenges and mistakes and even frustrations at times; please elect me to once again do so for two more years.Finally (always be fundraising!), this organization runs on donors as well as volunteers. Holding conventions and especially elections requires tens of thousands of dollars each board term; please contribute if that is an option for you.
Kyle Markley
Occupation: Engineer, Intel Corporation
Occupational Background: Computer microprocessor validation and debugging
Educational Background: BS Computer Science, Iowa State University
Prior Governmental Experience: LPO director 2013-present, Vice Chair 2015-2017; Chair 2017-2019; Statements for Liberty PAC founder/director 2015-present; Member, Joint Interim Task Force on Campaign Finance Reform 2015-2017
I became a political activist in 2012, and have been the Libertarian candidate for the Oregon Legislature against both D and R candidates four times (2012: 5.8%, 2014: 8.9%, 2016: 8.5%, 2018: 7.7%) and in a 4-way race for Secretary of State (2020: 2.8%). I founded the Statements for Liberty PAC, which helped many of our Libertarian candidates to both draft and pay for effective Voters’ Pamphlet statements over the last three election cycles.
Although I was not successful in defeating Measure 107 in the last general election despite my many well-evidenced and well-reasoned arguments against it in the Voters’ Pamphlet, I continue the fight for freedom of political speech. I provided stirring testimony against SB 336 which aims to set unreasonably low contribution limits and to create more structural disadvantages against minor parties and their candidates, and which has several constitutional deficiencies.
I am the longest-serving LPO director running for reelection. As my children have grown and reached school age I have needed to reduce the time I’ve volunteered to the LPO, but I also know that my lengthy experience with the party and practical knowledge related to conducting our elections is difficult to replace. I am willing to serve again to help this party continue to grow and build our capabilities over time.
I see my near-future responsibilities around data management: processing voter registration lists, information provided by members, and setting the LPO up to use the national Libertarian Party’s CRM system. I’ll also maintain our ballot tallying software and the facilities needed to produce the 60 ballot variants needed for our primary elections. In the longer run, electronic balloting needs to be studied to reduce costs.
Taylor Rickey
I am officially announcing my candidacy for the LPO board of directors. What I will bring to the board is ideas on party growth and a commitment to make the libertarian party a viable political party in the state of Oregon. I will work with candidates that are running for elections using my experience from my run for the Oregon State Senate in 2020.
William Johnson Jr.
Hello Liberty Lovers, my name is William Johnson. I would like to officially declare my candidacy for the Libertarian Party of Oregon Board of Directors.
Although I’ve been a Libertarian for the past 20 years, I haven’t been involved in the Oregon state party until recently. In 2019, I was a delegate to our state convention. In 2020, I was an alternate delegate for the national convention. Last fall I ran for Marion county commissioner.
Over the past year, I have been a regular observer at the monthly LPO board meetings. I have enjoyed a firsthand view of the workings of the current board. Not only have I been able to see how well the current board works together, but I’ve seen a couple of areas that I might be able to lend a helping hand and support an already great organization.
One area that I plan to jump right in and help is fundraising. I have a few different ideas, but one is quite simple. I plan to spread awareness about Oregon’s $50 tax credit for donations to a political party or candidate. Please check with your accountant, but I would like to encourage everyone reading my candidate statement to give $50 to the LPO and then take a $50 tax credit at the end of the year from the state of Oregon. I’m sure you know that taxation is legal plunder, at least this credit helps a political organization that aligns with your beliefs. When you use this tax credit you are taking $50 away from the government and putting it in the LPO’s bank account. This is the closest thing to a free lunch.
Please vote for me to be on the LPO board of directors and include a $50 check with your ballot. I hope to bring some new energy to the board and help grow our party.
In Liberty,
Will Hobson
The words below are my own and do not reflect the views or policies of the LPO or it’s board of directors.~~~~~~Hey everyone, this is my official announcement that I am seeking a run for one of the director seats for the board of the Libertarian Party of Oregon. I was elected at a recent board meeting to fill a vacancy and wish to continue to serve if you elect me.
I’ve been working to make sure we have a successful at the 2021 LPO State Convention this May as the chair of the Convention Committee. I also helped set up and volunteered for Spike Cohen’s Eugene and Portland campaign stops this last Summer and hope to attend the national convention next year as a delegate.
Some information about me: I’m a father, bartender, and anti-war ex-Democrat from Portland, Oregon. Ending our endless wars is a big priority for me and I am willing to work with anyone on single issue coalitions to accomplish that. I’m also a member of the Libertarian Party Mises Caucus (LPMC) and will remain one as I serve on the board.
Thank you, cheers!
-Will Hobson
Peter Vandenberg
Murray Rothbard once posed the question, as a way to separate his brand of libertarianism from others, “Do you hate the state?” I do, but I feel like that doesn’t quite cut to the root of how I feel. I obsess over the Yemeni genocide like people obsess over basketball or football. We live our lives knowing that the state commits atrocities all around us. We are forced by society to pretend this isn’t occurring, but we as libertarians know this deeply. I fail to understand why more people don’t think this way, but I also know that I could do more than I do. Why do we fixate on things that we have very little chance of affecting? I guess it is because we are libertarians.
As a board member and director of the LPO, you can trust that every action I take, and motion I make, will be that of one who hates the state. I have attended nearly every board meeting of the LPO for more than a year. I was recently appointed by the board to be a member of this esteemed group of hardworking individuals. I do not take this election lightly. If chosen to sustain my journey by the body at large, I will continue to assist our Chair with the Website Committee, making timely updates when needed. I will also take seriously my appointment as Fundraising Director, considering nuanced ways of achieving monies necessary to advance the wants of libertarians in the state of Oregon. We are a small party, but we are growing. For many years, I quietly complained to my ingroup while doing nearly nothing to advance the cause of liberty. That didn’t get me anything. Let’s try something else. Let’s grow this party into a formidable force for change in Oregon.
Rachel Saulo
My name is Rachel Saulo and I would like to be considered for a board member position for the Libertarian Party of Oregon. I am passionate about making a difference in our community, state, and country at large; and strongly believe our policies need to change to give freedom back to our citizens. The heart and soul of America is being corroded by these never-ending policies that slowly strip away our civil liberties piece by piece, and I can’t stand by and let it happen. I want to stand up for our rights, for our people, and for the survival of our freedom.
Tim Sippel
Occupation – EngineerEmployer – SelfI am running for re-election for the 2021-2023 term, after having been appointed to the board in early 2020 to fill a vacant seat. I would like to help the party continue its growth and become more visible throughout the state.The LPO is holding a State Convention on May 15. We need as many people as possible to participate (in person, or remotely), to ensure that we have a quorum to conduct party business. There are two proposals in particular I would like to see adopted at the convention. One to allows for members to vote by mail, which would reduce our (significant) postal expenses. The other is to allow the LPO to take positions on public policies. I believe that our state party will be able to engage and influence more people if that were allowed. Please make plans to participate on May 15!