
Below are the articles of the Bylaws that deal with elections and candidates. To read the rules on conventions, click here. To read the full Constitution and Bylaws, click here.

Article 8 – Elections

Sec 1: Methods of calling election

A. Regular Primary Election

An election is called automatically in conjunction with the State of Oregon Primary election season. The election process used shall be mail/electronic ballot, unless the board of directors lacks the funds to run an election by mail, and votes by a two thirds margin instead to nominate by convention.

The board of directors shall set the schedule of deadlines so that they are compatible with Oregon Law and to accommodate the schedule of the national party convention if possible.

The LPO may allow voting members to opt-in to a method of electronic voting in lieu of receiving a paper ballot. Additionally a voting member may opt out of receiving a ballot if they choose.

The board must send ballots to all voting members who have not opted out of receiving a ballot, and also either returned a ballot in the previous primary election, contacted the LPO to request a ballot, or joined the LPO since the last primary election. The board may send ballots to voting members who do not meet the above criteria, but to do so the board must send ballots to all voting members who have not opted out of receiving a ballot.

The regular primary election shall serve to ratify bylaws previously referred, and nominate candidates for partisan office, or decide any other matters referred for ratification.

If the primary election does not yield a nominee for an office, or if the primary election winner and all runners-up are ineligible, unable, or unwilling to be the nominee, or fail to submit their nomination paperwork by a deadline determined by the board, then the board may elect a voting member of the LPO to be the nominee for that office.

B. Director Elections

In odd numbered years elections for directors shall be held on a schedule that permits the results to be announced at the regular convention. Mail ballots shall be sent only to persons who returned a ballot during the most recent regular primary election. Members who did not return a ballot during the previous primary election or who joined after the previous election are not eligible to vote on matters of party leadership or run for party office.

C. Special Elections

The board may call special elections for the purpose of filling vacancies for partisan offices when special elections are called by the State of Oregon.

Such elections shall be run on a schedule that permits the process to be completed before the deadlines required for the special election that has been called by the State of Oregon. The board shall determine whether nominations shall be by mail ballot or by convention. In the event that it is not possible to hold an election due to the schedule provided by the Oregon Elections Division, the board may nominate registered libertarian electors as candidates for special elections.

Sec 2: Rules for Elections

A. General rules that apply to all elections

  • Ballots must be secret.
  • The rules as provided by our parliamentary authority (if any) for the handling of ballots and elections shall be observed at a minimum. Higher standards may be adopted by policy.
  • The board of directors (or appointed committee), must adopt rules governing the execution of the election, including notification procedures, registering to have a candidate's name placed on the ballot, and other special rules as necessary. These rules shall be published electronically for the public.
  • No fee may be assessed, or petitioning requirements made, for the placement of a candidate's name on the ballot if they are a member of the party.
  • Balloting may be conducted by physical mail or electronically, or by a combination of both, at the discretion of the board of directors.
  • Ballot packets shall include a section inviting members to volunteer to serve as directors, candidates, committee chairs or committee members, or in other capacities, and soliciting suggestions for party functions and activities. This section, containing the voting member's name and contact information, shall be separate from submitted ballots and archived for use by the board of directors and committees to find volunteers for particular functions and activities.
  • Elections for a single position shall be tabulated by instant runoff voting, and elections for multiple positions shall be tabulated using the Wright system of single transferable vote as defined by the proportional representation society of Australia.

B. Rules for Primary Elections

  • A space must be made available to write in any eligible candidate for every office, even offices with no candidates running.
  • Provided that no votes are cast for any libertarian elector who is both willing and eligible to accept the nomination, votes and nominations for candidates registered with other parties shall be entertained.

Article 10 – Candidates

Sec 1: Eligibility

To be listed on any Libertarian Party of Oregon primary ballot as a qualified Libertarian elector a person must be a voting member of the LPO for the thirty days prior to the election, meet all qualifications which are required under Oregon law, and further maintain his or her voting membership through the general election.

Sec 2: Exceptions to Eligibility

Candidates for President of the United States and Vice President of the United States are exempt from the requirement of being voting members of the LPO, but must be members of any national Libertarian Party affiliation. Additionally any candidates from another party are exempt provided that requirements of Article 8 Sec 2 are met.