Oregon and National Conventions
The Libertarian Party of Oregon holds regular statewide conventions in odd-numbered years, while the Libertarian Party National Conventions are held in even-numbered years.
The LPO held its most recent convention on May 15th, 2021.
Libertarian Party 2022 National Convention Delegation Policy
This policy defines the process for becoming an Oregon delegate to the 2022 Libertarian Party National Convention.
The Oregon delegation chair shall be selected by the Board. Any member of the Libertarian Party of Oregon may request to become an Oregon delegate by contacting any director or officer, or by contacting the Party by postal mail. The delegation chair shall maintain a list of interested members, the "delegate pool".
The board of directors shall from time to time vote to designate individuals from the delegate pool to be members of the Oregon delegation as a "delegate" or "alternate", limited by the number of positions afforded to us in each category by the national Libertarian Party. In the event of another hybrid convention, in-person delegates and alternates will be prioritized over remote delegates. If not enough in-person delegates can be sent, remote delegates can be sent to fill the delegation.
Prospective delegates should firmly intend to be delegates. Making a commitment one later withdraws may negatively affect other people that would have otherwise become delegates themselves.
Requests by delegates to withdraw from the delegation are accepted automatically. The board of directors may vote to recategorize people between delegate and alternate to give preference to those who confirm that they have booked travel or other convention-related expenses.
The Oregon delegation may vote to fill vacancies at the convention, and such new delegates are not required to be members of the Libertarian Party of Oregon.
This policy was adopted on August 11th, 2021.
The delegation chair to the Libertarian Party 2022 National Convention is Timothy Perkins.
LPO Bylaws on State Conventions
Below is Article 7 of the Libertarian Party of Oregon Bylaws, which deals with party conventions. To read the rules on elections, click here. To read the full Constitution and Bylaws, click here.
Article 7 – Conventions
Sec 1: Regular Biennial Convention
The LPO shall hold its regular biennial business convention in the state of Oregon in the spring of each odd-numbered year, at a time and place chosen by the board of directors.
Sec 2: Special Conventions
The board of directors, or a group of voting members of no less than 1% of the voting members, may call a special convention to revise the Constitution and Bylaws and perform other business as needed. The purpose for a special convention must be included in the notice for the convention and the program for the convention cannot deviate from this purpose.
Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws adopted in a special convention solely to comply with requirements of Oregon law take effect immediately, but are subject to ratification by a two-thirds vote in a mail ballot issued to ratify such amendments.
Sec 3: Convention Delegates
Any voting member who registers as a delegate in accordance with convention rules may attend and participate in that convention as a voting delegate. The quorum requirement for any convention shall be the lesser of one hundred (100) or one quarter of one percent (0.25%) of the membership.
Sec 4: Convention Notice
Electronic notice of all conventions must be given to all voting members. A prominent posting on the front page of the LPO web site and posting the notice to an electronic mailing list designated for such notices is sufficient for this purpose. It is the responsibility of voting members to ensure that they receive the notice. 45 days notice must be given. The notice must include the time, place, and proposed program of the convention. If a special convention is called by the members directly, they must provide 45 days written notice by mail.