We have two recent vacancies in the board of directors of the LPO. This is an opportunity for any of you who would like to step up and help prepare for a successful 2020 election year join a group of dedicated volunteers championing the cause of liberty.
LPO Director Position Description
Any person registered Libertarian in the state of Oregon is qualified to be appointed as one of the nine directors of the LPO. The responsibilities of this position include oversight of all matters which build up a libertarian electorate in the state and represent that electorate well in matters of state, county and special district elections. The board has nine positions, four of which are officers and five additional members assigned tasks necessary to the establishment and maintenance of a strong Libertarian Party presence in Oregon.
Please read the Libertarian Party of Oregon Constitution and Bylaws, which will give you additional insight into the responsibilities and restrictions placed on the board of directors.
The four officer positions of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer are currently filled. Two of these, secretary and treasurer, are non-voting positions and may be appointed by the board. This is how our treasurer joined, for which we are extremely grateful.
For specifics regarding any of the duties currently necessary to maintaining and growing the LPO, feel free to contact any of the board members. Our email addresses can be found here. To place your name in the hat, send a brief letter of interest including your related experience and skills to any current board member. We hope to vote soon and fill these two positions but want to open up this opportunity to as many people as possible.