Put a lump of coal in Salem’s stocking
Did you know you can keep money out of the hands of the state government by making a donation to the Libertarian Party of Oregon? It’s not just tax deductible, it’s a straight up credit of $50 for single filers and $100 for those filing jointly for household incomes of no more than $75,000/150,000 respectively. (More info: https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_316.102)
We have big plans for our upcoming State convention this May and we are working on getting events planned and systems put in place for a very exciting presidential year in 2024…but our success in growing the party and building it’s infrastructure will largely rely on our available financial resources.
So if the Oregon state government getting LESS money and the Libertarian Party of Oregon getting MORE is a formula that appeals to you please make the maximum donation for the credit that you can to help us grow the Libertarian Party throughout the state.
You can donate by clicking here —> DONATE
If you are a donor that is interested in making a donation larger than the amount necessary to receive the credit, and would like to know more about the LPO beforehand, please reach out to our Vice Chair via email: will.hobson@lporegon.org . If time permits, a call can be scheduled to go into further detail for interested donors.
Next week we will be sending out our LPO Yearly Wrap up to go over what we accomplished in 2022 and to talk about what we plan to do in 2023.
Thank you so much to all past, present and future donors. We are forever appreciative of your support. Happy Holidays and Stay Free!
-Libertarian Party of Oregon