Author Archives: LPOwebmaster

Resolution 22-04 Concerning the Death Penalty

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED the Public Policy of the Libertarian Party of Oregon is to appeal to Governor Brown to commute all current death sentences before the end of her term of office; and, 

It is FURTHER RESOLVED the Secretary of the Public Policy Board shall cause a copy of this resolution to be forwarded to Governor Brown, the Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, the Oregon American Civil Liberties Union, the Death Penalty Information Center, Oregonians for Alternatives for the Death Penalty, the Episcopal Bishop of Oregon, The Catholic Archbishop of Oregon, the Chair of the Oregon Board of Rabbis, and the Chair of the Libertarian National Committee; and, 

It is FURTHER RESOLVED the Libertarian Party of Oregon may initiate or sign onto a joint public statement calling for a mass commutation of Oregon’s current death sentences and the Chair of the Libertarian Party of Oregon or others designated by the Chair of the Public Policy Board may submit Op/Eds to newspapers and speak to electronic media about this resolution.

Adopted date: 10/22/22

Resources for starting your county’s Libertarian County Party or Organization

Affiliate Resources

Every county in Oregon is eligible to start an official Libertarian Party if they meet the requirements. 

The requirements are 0.5% of registered Libertarians in the county meet in person or remotely to adopt a set of bylaws  

Resources are here:

We recommend you start with a social meetup, and contact the Vice Chair will.hobson@lporegon.org to get your events listed on the LP Oregon events page.

We encourage you setup a Twitter, Instagram, Facebook page and let us know what you have contacting chair@lporegon.org.

We also encourage you to come to the LP Board Meetings and provide us updates about what is going on in your county. 

The Libertarian Party of Oregon calls for the end of all US Support for Saudi Arabia’s horrific war in Yemen

Statement of the Public Policy Board: 

We, the Libertarian Party of Oregon Public Policy Board, hereby support H.J. Res. 87 and S.J. Res. 56 to end all US support for Saudi Arabia’s horrific war in Yemen. Link to resolutions below. 



Writing for Just Security, Priyanka Motaparthy, director of the Counterterrorism, Armed Conflict, and Human Rights Project at Columbia Law School’s Human Rights Institute, and SFM’s Tony Wilson noted Saturday (06/04/2022) “during seven years of war, coalition airstrikes have killed nearly 9,000 civilians in Yemen.”

“Human rights groups and the United Nations-mandated Group of Eminent Experts have documented more than 300 airstrikes that are likely war crimes or violations of the laws of war,” they continued. “These strikes have hit hospitals and other medical facilities, markets, a school bus filled with children, and a funeral hall filled with mourners.”

According to The Washington Post – which along with the Security Force Monitor (SFM) at Columbia Law School’s Human Rights Institute analyzed thousands of news reports and images to identify warplanes from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates that have attacked Yemen – “a substantial portion of the air raids were carried out by jets developed, maintained, and sold by US companies, and by pilots who were trained by the US military.”

This, despite a February 2021 pledge by President Joe Biden to end US support for “offensive operations” in the Saudi-led war – a promise that has been repeatedly sidestepped via arms sales and a $500 million maintenance contract.

None of this is to comment on the still unknown but much higher number of people who have died from Cholera, malnutrition, or outright starvation due to the Saudi-led blockade of the country that has existed for most of the war. Unicef reports that, “Yemen remains one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world, with around 23.7 million people in need of assistance, including almost 13 million children. Since the conflict escalated in March 2015, the country has become a living hell for the country’s children. Less than half of health facilities are functioning, and many that remain operational lack basic equipment. Many health workers have not received a regular salary in several years.”

Credit: https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2022/06/07/new-demands-for-yemen-war-powers-resolution-as-report-reveals-depth-of-us-complicity-in-airstrike/


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Learn more about Libertarian Party Candidates in Oregon

This is a running list of websites for candidates:

Leon Noble – Candidate for Governor – https://www.facebook.com/NobleforOregon/

Shira Newman – Oregon State House District 42 https://shiranewman.org/

Michael Morrow – Oregon State House District 21 https://www.facebook.com/morrow4oregon/

Eric Pinell -Oregon State  Senate District 4 https://www.facebook.com/Pinnell4Government/


Register to vote Libertarian in Oregon: lporegon.org/register

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Oregon Public Policy Board appointed by LPO Board

On September 21st, 2022 the Libertarian Party of Oregon Board appointed the Public Policy Board after a review of applications called for on August 19th, 2022.

We had more applications than seats on the board. We are proud to have a range of experiences including two office holders, and lifetime members of the Libertarian Party. They will be led by Travis West, the LP Public Policy Board Chair who was selected by his fellow Public Policy Board members.

The Public Policy Board appointees:

Ayden Parker
Brendan Toliver
Christopher Rushford
Kathryn (Katy) Brumbelow
Marrion Skinner
Matt Rowe
Morey Straus
Peter VandenBerg
Sonja Stahl (Feintech)
Thomas J. Busse
Travis West

Our next LP Oregon convention the Public Policy board will be open for election.

Kyle Markley – Farewell

Kyle Markley, long time volunteer, candidate, and LPO director, has resigned from the Libertarian Party of Oregon this morning.

We are sorry to see you go Kyle. Thank you for your many years of hard work for the LP and best wishes in your future endeavors.

LP Oregon call for Public Policy Board Applications

The Libertarian Party of Oregon Primary resulted in changes to the Bylaws to create a Public Policy Board to help the LPO message the libertarian positions on Oregon issues.

We are calling for applications for consideration of appointment to the Libertarian Party of Oregon Public Policy Board. Please email pablo.serrato@lporegon.org to get notifications on application process requirements.

Please review the Public Policy Board Bylaws to understand the requirements and duties of the board.